Minister Reverend Malcolm X or Elhadj Malik ElShabazz

Minister Reverend Malcolm X or Elhadj Malik ElShabazz
March 10, 1964, Photo by Truman Moore/Time Warner, Inc. "The most damaging illness of racism is self hatred, suicide, and homicide. During colonial periods in america Negroes were slaves. It is critical that we recognize this. When the europeans were taking this land from the Natives; through diseases, murder, kidnapping, and molestation, negroes were slaves. Many of us died in the bellies of wooden sharks, captained by sea dogs. We were not ebracing the land of the free but the land of the enslaved, in that century. This slavery advanced from one century to next until the bahavior of that inqusition became second nature. It became second nature for the weak, jealous, envious, power-hungry slaves to kill the most influential slave. he did it for himself and the master. He did it for his master because he was as trained as a loyal dog. And a dog's only purpose is to satisfy his master. A dog don't even love himself nor his female companion, she is only good for breeding. Even when the trained slave, like a dog, discover untrained slave (a slave who refused to accept the training of the white man) who was determined to be free-he would go on and kill him because he had already been give the approval of his master. This is the same kind of ignorance that caused the assasination of Elhadj Malik Elshabazz (Reverend Minister Malcolm X. It was not a brother that assassinated him but a trained dog. And there are even more trained dogs today. 19th, 20th, & 21st Century Slaves killing and murdering their brothers and sisters. And they are doing this, they are exhibiting this behavior because they have been psychologically-dehumanized." Dr. Mauricelm-Lei Millere

Facing The Challenge

Facing The Challenge
Dr. Mauricelm-Lei Millere in an exhibition photo for "Civil Rights Advocacy Association Membership Drive." (CRAA-Press Relation and Public Affairs Committee.)

Friday, December 31, 2010

Donate To Dominate Dementia!

Donate $5.00 and/or attend Luncheon To Dominate Dementia Jan 2011 - December 2012. In The Black Community And Abroad. Goal Is 1 million dollars. Donate Today! The youth & elderly citizen of our society deserve it.  Dr. Mauricelm-Lei Millere DD-BMH, CPC-CC
Community Support & African Americans
"You Can Help To Heal A Community From Dementia, Today!" In 2010, the Alzheimer's Association commented upon a "silent epidemic" of dementia within America's black community. Black peo...ple are not well represented at Memory Disorder Centers or Alzheimer's Disease Centers, and there appears to be a disproportionately high rate of dementia within the black community. But little else is really well understood. Findings from a small 2005 study in Florida, however, suggest that some black communities may accept dementia as a normal part of aging and don't use medical terms to describe the condition. Also, the role of family and community has both positive and negative implications for the person with dementia.